Contact us
Have a question about our services or the Ramirent organization, need more information on recruitment, or want to give feedback on our site? Get in touch, we’d be happy to help.

Tapulikaupungintie 37
00750 Helsinki
Business ID
Tel. +358 20 750 200 (Monday – Friday 9-15)
Fax +358 20 750 200
Invoicing information
Ramirent Ltd handles all vendor invoices electronically.
Local head offices
Discover the detailed addresses and contact information for all Ramirent local head offices
From here you’ll find all the latest materials to keep you in the loop on what we’re up to.
Report a misconduct
If you encounter any unethical behavior or violations of our policies, please report it immediately.
Reporting cyber security issues
Security of our services is important, for us and for you. We take it seriously.
Ramirent stock materials archive