Equipment rental at your service

Welcome to Ramirent Groups' homepage. On this site you can read about our international organization, what we do, our history and what kind of career opportunities we can offer. If you wish to rent equipment please select your country website from the list below.

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    Ramirent is part of Loxam Group

    We are part of Loxam Group’s equipment rental services in 30 countries worldwide. With us you’ll find much more than rental, where ever you are.

    Read more

    Market leader

    in all it's 9 countries of operation

    250, 000

    construction machines and equipment

    Wide range

    of support and risk protection services

    4th worldwide

    as part of Loxam Group


    Ramirent 2023 CSR report

    Read Ramirent 2023 CSR report.

    It's more fun at Ramirent. Come and join us.

    We are a fun bunch of helpful co-workers and good leaders who work together to deliver world-class service to our customers – always with a smile on our faces.

    For Investors

    Ramirent was delisted from Nasdaq Helsinki on December 20, 2019. You'll find our investor materials and stock exchange releases in the archives

    Investor materialsStock exchange releases